Moavineen e Hujjaj Hajj Jobs 2024 – Application Form

Moavineen e Hujjaj Hajj Jobs 2024 – Application Form

Applications are invited as member Moavineen e Hujjaj for Hajj 2024. Hajj Jobs 2024 Online application Forms can be downloaded from NTS website @

You can also visit mora website @ for details of Haj jobs 2024 and information related to issuance of NOC. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has invited nominations as member Moavineen e Hujjaj for Hajj 2024.

All the Officers and Officials (BPS-07 to 17/18) of this ministry who are meeting the required criteria may submit their nominations before the deadline. Repeaters candidates who are fulfilling the required criteria may also apply.

Eligibility Criteria for Moavineen Hujjaj Haj jobs 2024

  1. He/she should be a regular employee in BS-07 to BS-18. (Nominees below BS-07 and above BS-18 are not eligible).
  2. He/she should be mentally and physically fit to bear the rigors of duty for long duration of Hagen in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates who are well versed with Arabic as well as having religious minded personality.
  4. Disabled/handicapped candidates who cannot perform their duty properly or persons suffering from diseases like polio should not be considered in any case.
  5. He/she shall not be less than 25 years and more than 45 years of age as per specific dates mentioned in the advertisement.
  6. He/she should have minimum qualifications of Matric (SSC).
  7. He/she should not be involved in criminal activity.
  8. Family members of welfare staff shall not be allowed to proceed to Saudi Arabia for the performance of Hajj duty 2024.
  9. He/she must declare if
    his/her spouse/family members are also performing Hajj duty falling which he/she will be repatriated and all DAS as well as expenditure incurred upon him/her would liable to be returned to the organization by the deafaulter.
  10. Any officer/official tries to maneuver/manipulate for his/her induction as member-Moaineen-Hujjaj Induction of strict disciplinary action would
    be recommended to the respective department.
  11. For repeater candidates the age should not be less than 25 years or more than 50 years and have performed 03 or less Hajj duties.

Hajj Jobs Online Registration 2024 – Moavineen Hujjaj Online Apply

  1. It is to inform all concerned that Hajj Jobs Online Application Form 2024 is available on NTS website
  2. Interested candidates have to download Application Form Hajj Jobs 2024 from NTS official website.
  3. After downloading Online Registration Form for Haj 2024, fill this form correctly.
  4. Attach the attested copies of relevant documents with the form
  5. You have to send your application form along with the documents to NTS Headquarters, Plot No.96, Street-04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad.
  6. The sample form can be downloaded from the NTS website or MORA website
  7. The last date of submitting your applications is 12 February 2024.
  8. For information regarding Test Date, Test Syllabus or any other updates do visit NTS official website regularly or you can call on contact number of NTS

Quota of Moavineen-e-Hujjaj Jobs 2024

  1. Punjab + ICT (54%)
  2. Sindh (21%)
  3. KPK & Merged Districts FATA (15%)
  4. Balochistan (07%)
  5. Gilgit Baltistan GB (01%)
  6. Azad Kashmir AJ& K (02%)

Physical & Written Test of Moavineen-e-Hujjaj Hajj Jobs 2024

  1. The written test of Hajj jobs 2024 will be conducted by NTS National Testing Service.
  2. The Physical Fitness Test for Candidates of Police, Rescue 1122, ASF and ANF includes 5Km running / Jogging.
  3. The physical test for other candidates includes Jogging/fast walk.
  4. The physical fitness test will be conducted only for shortlisted candidates .

Terms & Conditions for 2024 Haj jobs

  1. The candidates have to issue and submit NOCs from their respective departments.
  2. The regular employees of the Federal government, Provincial Government, AJ &K & Gilgit Baltistan Government, Federal Police departments, Provincial Police departments, AJ&K and GB Police Departments and Rescue 1122 are eligible having BS-17/18.
  3. The percentage of repeaters candidates to be selected will be 30% of the vacancies given in the Moavineen Hujjaj Haj Jobs Advertisement 2024.
  4. 30% of the vacancies are fixed for employees of Police, Rescue 1122, ANF and ANF
  5. During the recruitment process , the scrutiny of documents of the candidates will be done and in case of false information by any candidate a strict action will be taken against him in addition to cancelling his candidature.
  6. The organization reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of seats or cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason
  7. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in the Test/ Interview
Moavineen e Hujjaj Hajj Jobs 2024
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